Thursday, February 21, 2008

We've Got Company

It's long been claimed that the most said line in cinema history is "Let's get out of here." Not until the IMDb compiles a master database of the transcripts of every film and only after the appropriate algorithms are written will we ever know this for sure, but this is what the scholars have agreed upon.

For quite some time I have mantained that the second-most said line in cinema history is "We've got company." Of course, I know I probably won't ever be proved correct on this -- it's probably something else completely (though we can certainly rule out "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" and "We're gonna need a bigger boat") -- but this seems as likely a candidate as one might think up.

Over the years I have wondered in what films did the first utterances of these lines take place and now and then I see an early example on TV and think to write it down (but never do). But then yesterday, while re-watching The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1947), I came across a new frontrunner for earliest known use of "We've got company." On their way back off the mountain, while sitting around the campfire, some [Mexican] Indians approach the campsite prompting Walter Huston to deliver the line. (note: he technically says "It looks like we've got company," but I think the judges would rule that this more than qualifies as a match)

[temporary image; will replace with screen grab w/subtitle track from 00:00:00, Warner Bros. 2-disc special edition]

So, there you go. If you have an example of the line being used earlier, please send it in. Similarly send in early examples of "Let's get out of here."

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Spiderwick Chronicles poster (artwork by Dan Brown)

(seriously, I'll stop all this silliness before this place turns into a 'movie posters and homage' blog)

(bottom-right: da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, circa 1492)

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Golden Compass: The Rumple Minze Ads Strike Back

(again, no photo copy required)

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia: Return of the Rumple Minze Ads

(the images speak for themselves)

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Am I the only one who sees this?

I realize Ms. Spears passed media frenzy a long time ago and way, way before this week's issue of Rolling Stone cover story (Britney Spears: Inside and American Tragedy, issue #1046) but, seriously, is it just me who sees this? Feel free to bang me over the head with reality, but this one really jumps off the page at me.

(note: this is a follow-up to a comparison I made between posters from The Chronicles of Narnia and the Rumple Minze magazine ads from the 80s -- both campaigns featuring women riding giant polar bears. I will try to dig them up a bit later.)

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